Totally Kissable Green Garlic

totally kissable green garlic

Being kissable and having nice breath go hand in hand. It is well known that bad breath is a total turnoff… and if you don’t believe me check out this study that stated “The study showed that 35% of people would find bad breath to be the biggest turn off,  followed by ‘bad chat’ with 11% of respondents, and 2% of respondents stating that being badly dressed is their biggest turn off.” (source) And an N=1 experiment I was on throughout my late teens and twenties showed that this is 100% true! There really is nothing less appealing than a guy with bad breath… although showing up to the date drunk was a pretty close second! 


Top 3 Worst Bad Breath Offenders


#1) Garlic and Onions (Culinary)

There are a few bath breath offenders that we all know about including garlic & onions. These flavours tend to stick like glue... if you don't think this is true I highly advise trying the mask test which involves putting on a mask and smelling your own breath... a true eye opener!

#2) Cigarettes and coffee

These are also top on the list as they tend to linger on your breath for hours after you have indulged in that bad habit and/or tasty drink. Hard habits to break but a stick of gum can help the coffee and cigarettes. Cigarette smoke however lingers on clothing so you aren't fooling anyone by chewing that stick of gum!

#3) Poor dental hygiene or dental health

Poor oral health is also a contender so remember to brush those pearly whites before you leave the house.


But wait a second… don’t I sell garlic? Why I am telling you all about bad breath offenders when I own a garlic farm and my job is to sell garlic? Truth be told I may regret this post… however, we sell green garlic which is known as our totally kiss-able garlic powder. What makes it stand out against its bad breath causing brother? Green garlic powder comes from garlic scapes which are not a part of the garlic bulb. The garlic scape grows up from the head of garlic below the surface of the soil and it's intention is to create a flower. We like big garlic bulbs so we pinch this pre-flower scape off in order to send more of the nutrients and growth potential back down into the garlic bulb. This delicious garlic scape tastes like garlic but is much milder then the garlic clove and does not linger on the breath. One of the many reasons I love to use this product is that I know I will be totally kiss-able and will not offend any of my clients or hubby with my garlic aroma. We love to use it on eggs, in salad dressing and in many other recipes that you can find here in our recipes section.


And... seeing as Valentine's Day is right around the corner I figured we would share our favourite Kissable garlic recipe with you... Cheesy Aphrodisiac Oysters with Kissable Garlic Salt. 


aphrodisiac oysters with kissable garlic salt


Wishing you a Very Kiss-able Valentine’s Day or in our house ever day is Valentine's Day or at least that is what my husband tells me. So for any romantic occasion you can bust this out! We love to use Oysters regularly in our diet to boost our zinc levels and garlic is loaded with health benefits!


A healthy and delicious treat from our farm to your table.